Yay! Christmas is almost here.

So, I uploaded the next chapter in the Jamie/Regina/Emma saga, and then, of course, another idea came to mind, so I inserted a title for that (Grumpy is as Grumpy Does – extra points if you can discover which movie I got the idea for my title from) which I will be working on this week.

I’m so excited for Christmas, even though my sister and her family decided they won’t be able to come this year. COVID restrictions are a little tighter where they live than here, so they are going to try next year when things hopefully aren’t so crazy. My thoughts and prayers to everyone stuck at home for the holidays.

I plan to upload something on Christmas Day (fingers crossed) for anyone following this who needs a little extra good cheer – maybe an onscreen meeting (erm, spanking) with Santa. I’m not entirely sure yet on the time frame, but hopefully before Noon EST (for you Brits, that’s probably after lunch rather than before).

Please say a prayer for our front line workers here in the US who are in the process of taking the COVID vaccine. May they remain healthy and safe, and may their holidays be joyful and bright.

Merry Christmas.

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